Table of Contents
We love optimization in everything we do. From the campaigns we run for our clients through our own personal productivity, we’re always trying to find ways to improve how we do what we do.
Tools are a powerful way to do this, whether it’s automating your processes or collecting the specific insights that you need the most. The most talented SEO with the best strategy still needs to be armed with the right tools in order to achieve maximum success. Ultimately, we recommend using multiple tactics side-by-side in order to maximize your strategy’s value. We’ve tried to embed tips and tricks to optimize your workflow as part of this offering of tools.
This list is intended to be comprehensive, but we know it’s a work in progress. If you have a tool to recommend that’s not already listed or any proposed revisions to this list, please email nicole [at} northstarinbound {dot] org.
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All tools on our list have been classified according to our tags, their platform, and their cost. To make it easier, here’s a key to all of our tags and platforms:
- – Keyword Research – Helps you understand which keywords to associate with your site/content.
- – Backlink Analysis – Gives you insight into your and/or your competitors’ link profiles.
- – Technical SEO – Quicksprout defines technical SEO as “focused on how well search engine spiders can crawl your site and index your content.”
- – Content – For developing and managing content projects.
- – Prospecting – Helps you identify to which sites you should reach out, and often how.
- – Outreach – Helps you manage your campaigns to the leads you found.
- – Social Media – Sheds light on some aspect of social media: FB, Twitter, et al.
- – Local – These products have features to help you specifically target local efforts.
- – Enterprise (Suite) – Though anyone can technically buy them, these products usually target enterprise companies.
Additionally, you can filter the tools based on their ‘platforms’:
- – Web-based – The now-traditional SaaS that you access via web browser.
- – API – You have access to the API, so you can integrate it into your other platforms!
- – Gmail Add-On – Add this to your Gmail account and prosper.
- – Browser Extension – Load this into your browser for as-you-work integration.
- – WP Plug-in – You guessed it: WordPress, baby.
- – App – Download this to your machine.
Use the checkboxes below to narrow down our list of tools to exactly what you’re looking for.